Monday 19 December 2011

Carposina distincta

(Mike Anderson)

She could not control her guilty smile
I slept alone that night
It was on Christmas Day that nothing came
and nothing went away
The sunflowers that make you wait
while broken skins float down kitchen drains
Cicadas beat a rhythm, landscapes of music,
I pull the blinds

Sunflowers on the meadow, fixed in tireless fires
Sunlit water sparkles out your eyes


The Anesthetist drank all my wine
I took a bus back in time
and hid under my table
Bony limbs of tired restless children
the hot seats of a car
the singing of summer traveling
She stroked my legs with bitten fingertips
sunset fell on painted lips
the moon shone out like a halo
My face against the warm grassy air
your suntanned derrière
with despair I loved you with intentions

Hurricane scratches out a skyline, fear of wasted years
leads me to dream a while
Sought the flesh of younger girls in his twilight years,
maybe he'll get lucky tonight
Here I am, awoken by the tulips,
your stubborn pouted lips wouldn't caress my name
I roll into my convalescent shade, I play a little game
I see you do the same

Your heart a battleship, you're weeping
hotel stops the rain
A horse compares its tail
to its mane


The Anesthetist drank all my wine
I took a bus back in time
and hid under my table
Bony limbs of tired restless children
the hot seats of a car
the singing of summer traveling
She stroked my legs with bitten fingertips
sunset fell on painted lips
the moon shone out like a halo
My face against the warm grassy air
your suntanned derrière
with despair I loved you with intentions

Monday 4 April 2011

Wash You 'Till You're Dry

(By Dylan Hart)


We applaud and Cheer to Thee
Who lash and break the night
Who sing and plead to torture
Those who sought to write

Reformed around the ring
Was it was signed away?
Washed and drained from my ear
No choice lets evil stay

Pulled and dragged from the car
With the hard winter rain
Pinning me to the mud
Providence masked the cane

I chose my enemies
And I was soon cured
But soon enough I became
A follower and a Druid.


Burn all that they wrote
Sink their paper boat
Leave nothing afloat
Try to win your vote

Wash you till you're dry
Your hands wont untie
Nothings to imply
You had better comply!

My thoughts became poison
My mind turned so sour
The chants and rituals
Grew by the hour

The death climbed to the top
Pushed out my life and tongue
But with that came relief
With the air from my lung

My mind and body warped
By their magic and smiles
Who's blood is on the floor?
Is that mine on the tiles?

The savage from the station
Was screaming out my name
I tried to hide my face
I ignored his declaim.


Burn all that they wrote
Sink their paper boats
Leave nothing afloat
Try to win your vote

Wash you till you're dry
Your hands wont untie
Nothings to imply
You'd better comply!

Sunday 3 April 2011


(By Mike Anderson)
Windows opened that night!
I’m a watermelon fool!
Looked at myself sideways
Saw blood and I got hungry
I’ll just lay on my back a while
And shoot at the moon, like when we were kids
Just a lump in a big grey mountain
Then he asked me, “Mum, how far away is Scotland?”

I don’t know! I dunno kid!
Stop asking so many questions!

Lick the icing off my dreams
Be polite and fall asleep
You got your Daddy’s brains
Rain in February’s strange

Why’d you draw so many houses?
You wasted 12 sheets of paper
Boy, boy, what’s wrong?!
Make a phone from those empty bean cans

It’s Ludwig Beethoven! He can really drink!
He needs vitamins! It’s so German!

Lick the icing off my dreams
Be polite and fall asleep
You got your Daddy’s brains
Rain in February’s strange


Lick the icing off my dreams
Be polite and fall asleep
You got your Daddy’s brains
Rain in February’s strange


(By Mike Anderson)

The mouths were hungry
The skulls were breathing
Hearts were beating
In the subway smoking

Had a lazy eyelid
A palsied lip
Collected subway tokens
Hid them in his typewriter

Drugs got your Daddy
All needles and elbows
And the money ran out
Laundry was homework

And her face crapped out
And her legs dropped out
She’d be unconscious for hours

A Patch of blue! Part the clouds!
Let the sky fall down! Want a mouthful of snow!

He hypnotized my mind
The heroes were dead and the ghosts were alive
I was obliged to sit down
My interest grew an inch

That old dumb moon-
Didn’t see me
I crawled under bush
Kept my head under water

Give me morphine all night long
Give me laughing gas
Makes me all emotional!

The voice on the phone! Its Naomi screaming!
You’ll wake the neighbours! You’ll wake the neighbours!


I Play Spades, I take lives
I rape your ears with the jangle of my knives
I feel the joy, like a little boy
Sleeping bad at dawns orange-dusk light

Drink that cheap Soda
Gives you weird ideas
Hitler’s in the ceiling
He holds a nazi dagger

Drowned in your mirror
Pump the dead body fulla music
Hear its big belly laugh
“A do-do-do-do-do-“

Pinwheeling my arms through poison gas
Stepping on snakes under the overpass
And he only had a half-nose
Smooth eyes, I have him loose change

The crab waved its claws
The maracas all a click-clack
He gave me an African Parrot
I kept it on Whiskey

And I taught that bird to sing! I taught it to sing!
I taught that birdy to sing! Sing for me!

(bird solo)


I Play Spades, I take lives
I rape your ears with the jangle of my knives
I feel the joy, like a little boy
Sleeping bad at dawns orange-dusk light

Everything is Twisted

(By Dylan Hart)

Everything is twisted
Watching the Lines dry
Everything is twisted
Hoping that it dies

Everything is twisted
Your faith like wire
Everything is twisted
Climbing up the spire

Everything is twisted
Our lives are on TV
Everything is twisted
When you're sober like me

Everything is twisted
They fight right on through
Everything is twisted
They've been coming for you.


(By Dylan Hart)

In the hotel of the town i was staying
The owner cautioned me about the road ahead
The ancient evils that lay dormant in the hills
In a ditch behind a bush she found me nearly dead'

We met each other on the road to Denonder
She brought me back to her home and healed me best she could
Once she said to me that she did not live alone
I didn't see anyone else and never would

I still cant remember what I was looking for
I cant remember why i traveled to the hills
What i found left me not needing to look for more
I was impressed by her ability and skill

Where the hills met the mountains, her home tucked away
Her home sat surrounded by a ring of red dirt
Where she must have paced around it, shuffling her feet
As though her steps had killed the ground and the earth

I was not a religious man and still I'm not
She always carried an old book like a red tome
I sneaked a look at the book and saw a painting
It was a shrine in the mountain near her home

She had lived in the hills her entire life
And she will most likely live there for a few more
She said to me that god sent her here to hide it
She never told me what it was and what its for

I followed her to the place painted in the book
The white came down and covered up all the black
Like then i could feel my life being pulled away
We continued to follow a path with no track

She told me that to live i had to go with her
Because i was still actually sick and riddled
To save my body i needed its remedy
The water flowed into my hands, none was spilled.

Madame Dupuy

(By Mike Anderson)

Agonising in desire to please, she was amateur
Drop a little oil into my brown-washed dry hinges
Naked in the Pink Room, shoulders
I filled my glass and raised it
The tension in his set eyes was vacant and now released

He stopped transfixed by the light
She could not explain her insect bites

Its thirsty weather, said the bus conductor, he said it all through the Summer
An elegant stain, gesture, paralyzed passionate look

He stopped transfixed by the light
She could not explain her insect bites

His voice was curt and masculine
I took a whiff of mescaline
A flake of coke on abdomen
On a skin that felt African
Jesus allow this moment
Between lips parched and open
Your cream, a scented lotion
Your Roman ocean, golden

Volatile, uneasy Summer of 1939
I didn’t need to work, I was beyond fame

He stopped transfixed by the light
She could not explain her insect bites

Laid on Marcelles bed with the phonograph
Criticised yourself, taste for self analysis

He stopped transfixed by the light
She could not explain her insect bites

 His voice was curt and masculine
I took a whiff of mescaline
A flake of coke on abdomen
On a skin that felt African
Jesus allow this moment
Between lips parched and open
Your cream, a scented lotion
Your Roman ocean, golden