Sunday 3 April 2011


(By Dylan Hart)

In the hotel of the town i was staying
The owner cautioned me about the road ahead
The ancient evils that lay dormant in the hills
In a ditch behind a bush she found me nearly dead'

We met each other on the road to Denonder
She brought me back to her home and healed me best she could
Once she said to me that she did not live alone
I didn't see anyone else and never would

I still cant remember what I was looking for
I cant remember why i traveled to the hills
What i found left me not needing to look for more
I was impressed by her ability and skill

Where the hills met the mountains, her home tucked away
Her home sat surrounded by a ring of red dirt
Where she must have paced around it, shuffling her feet
As though her steps had killed the ground and the earth

I was not a religious man and still I'm not
She always carried an old book like a red tome
I sneaked a look at the book and saw a painting
It was a shrine in the mountain near her home

She had lived in the hills her entire life
And she will most likely live there for a few more
She said to me that god sent her here to hide it
She never told me what it was and what its for

I followed her to the place painted in the book
The white came down and covered up all the black
Like then i could feel my life being pulled away
We continued to follow a path with no track

She told me that to live i had to go with her
Because i was still actually sick and riddled
To save my body i needed its remedy
The water flowed into my hands, none was spilled.

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